Stay Caffeinated

We roast, we grind, we steam, we pour proper coffee. We definitely don’t take any shortcuts when it comes to coffee. While other cafes buy-in brand-name coffees, we roast our own beans in East London. And you may be wondering, why does that matter? It’s because we want complete control over the quality. We want to know exactly what goes into every cup, no surprises. And we promise you, you will taste the difference.

Blend / Single / Weekly Guest

We always have our Bobo Blend - Brazil/Guatemala origin, medium-dark roast, with notes of chocolate, hazelnut, honey, and black currant. Check out our single origin coffee as well. We know single origin works a treat for pour-over, filter, and Aeropress and ours has notes of honey cake, strawberry, and jasmine tea. And to keep things interesting we always have a weekly guest bean to try out too.


What makes coffee “specialty”?

In order to be considered specialty (the highest grade of coffee available), there’s a cupping score which rates the all-round level of quality for each coffee. It must score above 80 points to qualify. The highest score our Bobo Blend received was a cupping score of 87 – putting it well within the bracket of ‘specialty coffee’ and amongst the top 5% of coffee in the world.  Our Single Origin coffee proudly scored an 88.

We think our coffee is so good, our seal of approval is that Bobo has even put his face on it!

Buy our beans online, or pop in and grab a bag. We’ll also grind them up for you. We’ve even switched our takeaway coffee cups to fully compostable and are working with Decent Packaging to do our part to reduce waste further.